Аудирование (записи, тексты, задания)

Аудирование (записи, тексты, задания)

Twenty Questions

Debbie: ... Well, there isn't much time left. Shall we have a game for a change?

Bill: Yes. How about Twenty Questions?

Debbie: Bill suggests Twenty Questions. Does everybody agree? Yes? And who's going to be the challenger? - You, Cathy? Fine. Write the name of the object on a piece of paper. Ready? Here we go then ...

Mike: Are we looking for a special thing?

Cathy: No.

Julie: Hmm. Is there one in this room?

Cathy: No.

Bill: Is there one outside somewhere?

Cathy: No.

Brenda: Oh dear. Three noes already. We've got to be careful with our questions. Is it alive?

Cathy: No.

Mike: So it's not a plant or an animal. Is it man-made?

Cathy: Yes.

Mike: Ah! Now let me see. It’s man-made, there’s no such object in this room, and there isn't one outside either. - Is it something useful?

Cathy: Yes.

Mike: Where does one use it?

Debbie: That kind of question's not allowed, Mike.

Mike: Oh yes, sorry! It's got to be a yes-or-no question. - Does one use it in the home?

Cathy: Yes.

Mike: So you use it in the home. - Do men use it?

Cathy: Yes ... why not!

Julie: Now what kind of answer's that?

Debbie: It probably means both men and women can use it.

Mike: OK, so it seems everyone uses it.

Cathy: No, not everyone uses it, but anyone can use it, except perhaps small


Julie: Oh gosh, it's getting complicated. - Does one use it every day?

Cathy: No, not every day.

Bill: One doesn’t use it every day. So it’s not a kettle or anything like that. - Let me see. Does everybody in this room have one?

Cathy: No, not everybody in this room, I suppose.

Brenda: Not everybody has one. But every family? I mean ... every family in this country?

Cathy: Well, I don't know. Perhaps not every family, but most families.

Brenda: Do you use it to clean things?

Cathy: Yes.

Brenda: Does it make a noise?

Cathy: Yes.

Brenda: So it's some sort of household appliance?

Cathy: Yes.         -

Brenda: A washing machine?

Cathy: No.

Mike: A household appliance that cleans things and makes a noise, but not a washing ma­chine? Is it a ... vacuum cleaner?

Cathy: You’ve got it, Mike. Congratu­ lations!



1. Управляющего в 8А зовут Брайан Бейкер. Составьте предложения о нем и о его жене.





a drink with friends at the pub.






get(s) home


go(es) out






all sorts of evening activities, at Cannon Street at 8.53 a.m.

Brian (Baker) Не



from southeast London, in Blackheath.

His wife(Kay) Kay (Baker)


The Bakers They






in the City of London, in the evening(s).

much of each other during the week, much time for gardening, part-time in an office, squash.

till about 7 p.m.

to work by British Rail/on foot.


2. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы о Lee Chang-Soon (6А).

a) What time does his workday start? b) What time does it end? c) How many hours does he spend at the market every night? d) What does he do during the day? e) When does he sleep?


3. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы о Джейн (7А).

a) Where does she work? b) What does she do? c) How many                hours    does she work? d) What does she do on her day off? e) What languages does she speak? f) Where does she spend her holidays?


4. Выполните это упражнение, если возможно, вместе с партнером. Затем по­меняйтесь ролями.

A: Shall we have a game?
В: Yes, let's (= let us) have a game for a change.

a) Shall we play Twenty Questions? b) Shall we watch TV? c) Shall we go to the cinema? d) Shall we have a drink at the pub? e) Shall we take a taxi.


5. Сформулируйте вопросы к подчеркнутым членам предложения.

Не lives in Blackheath. (where) Where does he live?

a) Kay works in an accountant’s office, (where) b) People use the object in the home, (where) c) He's got an earthenware jug for her. (what) d) I’ve got the tickets at home. (where - you) e) I usually get home at about seven. (what time - you) f) The train arrives at Cannon Street at 8.53. (what time) g) He speaks English and Spanish. (what languages) h) He comes from a small town in Kent. (where ... from) i) She works there because she likes it. (why) j) I sleep on my day off. (what — you)


6. Переведите.

а) Она не любит собак, b) Она этого не хочет, с) Он не знает, где она живет, d) У него не много времени для работы в саду, е) Она работает в Лондонском City, но она там не живет, f) Он не часто заходит в пивную, g) Поезд не всегда приходит точно (по расписанию), h) В большинстве слу­чаев он приезжает не автобусом, а приходит пешком.


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